Bill of Sale

Bill of Sale

A bill of sale is a contract between a buyer and a seller over an item of property. This is the best way to show who is liable in case of a “surprise” after a sale.

It is a way to make sure all issues are handled, discussed and agreed upon before all sales are final.

This generic form can be used by any individual who is selling anything, including furniture, equipment, vehicles, or property.

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Bill of Sale

Keep in mind that this type of form is intended to protect you from future issues regarding something that you sell and transfer.  A document such as this can be used to limit any liability or hassle you may experience as a result of selling something by disclosing clear sale terms.

Please note that this is a sample bill of sale which could be used for trivial or low value transactions. Consult your attorney for specific terms and conditions regarding the transfer of any property of any significant value. Use of this form is at the sole risk of the user in the absence of an attorney.